As a craftswoman, I aim to create work that is not only functional, but which is of the highest quality.
I do leave imperfections on some of my pieces however, thumb prints for example. These add to the uniqueness of each piece, and act as a reminder that quality and perfection are not the same.
Creativity asks us to learn, to be interested in and so inspired by the world around us.
I am influenced by the natural environment, by human perseverance and imperfection.
I learn about and act on any potential hidden environmental or human cost in my work. From the the materials and packaging to the electricity that I use.
For example, I reuse my supplier's packaging, my kiln is sited next to & powered in part by a Hydro dam, and I choose to reclaim (recycle) unfired clay.
Let's get real for a second - making things is fun! You get messy, and you are free.
I love this about clay, and I never want to loose sight of this value. My IG is a good place to get a look behind the scenes.

I aim to create a safe spaces. Somewhere to be creative, a break from the stresses of day to day life, spaces where we are able to heal. Spaces for fun.

Growth Mindset
Finally, I believe that you get better at something by doing it.
Even if such a thing as 'innate talent' exists, it isn't necessary to create quality craft or art. I'm here to enjoy the process.